What Is Singapore Company Incorporation?

Incorporation in Singapore is recognised as a procedure of company registering with the ACRA through proficient planning of workforce moving, tax arrangement, and administration in one of the existing business firms. Even if you only have 1 SGD, you can get your company incorporated in a day. Due to the streamlined and modernised procedures by the government, any sort of corruption has been stamped out. Regardless of the easy process of registering your business, you would have to keep many factors in mind. This is the reason you would need advice from specialised incorporation consultants in Singapore. Singapore is acknowledged as one of the most accessible places where you can set up and run your business due to its incredible governmental support and streamlined business regulations. Singapore’s high-end technologies and intellectual workforce are significant benefits of starting a business in Singapore. If you want to set a new company with ease, then Singapore is the best place.

Categories of Companies in Singapore

The options of business entities for incorporation include Private Limited company, Subsidiary, Branch Office, Representative Office, Public Limited Company, Sole Proprietorship, and many more. Below our guide would help you identify the most beneficial entities for you. Choosing the best option is the most crucial and difficult process for an investor. Your decision will reflect many factors such as working conditions, taxes, paperwork for the registration procedure and your assets and liabilities. We would cover all the essential elements and suggest the best idea according to your conditions.

Private Limited Company In Singapore

What Is Private Limited Company in Singapore?

Private Limited is deliberated to be the best entity for Singapore company incorporation. This structure allows only 50 shareholders, among which the general public is not permitted to be given any shares. The companies registered as Private Limited end with the name Pte Ltd. Those investors who have a solid investment plan are advised to register their companies as a Private Limited Company in Singapore. They can also benefit from tax incentives and other perks in the longer run.

Features and Benefits of Private Limited Company (Pte Ltd)

  • The legal entity of Pte Ltd is separate from the business shareholders. That helps you to form your company more efficiently; you can purchase more assets, get more debts, and work as a separate entity by law from shareholders.
  • Due to the limited liability in such new companies in Singapore, members can secure themselves in cases of any debts by mentioning the amount contributed only in the beginning.
  • Pte Ltd lasts longer than its shareholders. The company won’t depend on the shareholders; it would exist after the death or even the resignation of any shareholder.
  • You can quickly boost the capital of Pte Ltd in Singapore by generating further shares to its shareholders or even by drawing in new shares.
  • Usually, investors (even banks) spend more on companies that keep personal assets separate from the business. Therefore, you can easily get loans and new investors for Pte Ltd.
  • The credibility of Pte Ltd is more in Singapore. The image of the company helps in expansion and growth.
  • Pte Ltd benefits Singapore’s business-friendly tax policies. For 300k SGD of income, the company can enjoy the government’s tax discount of up to 50-100%, and for incomes over 300k SGD, the corporate tax is 17%.
  • The change of ownership is straightforward in Singapore of Pte Ltd. This can be done by selling all or a few shares to other shareholders.
  • This arrangement of Singapore offshore business incorporation releases you from capital gains tax once the profit was before now taxed on the limit of the Pte Ltd Company.
  • If a foreigner wants to start a business in Singapore, they’ll need to appoint at least one local director

Registration Process and Requirements of Private Limited Company

  • The investor must have a unique name for the company. It is advised to get the name-checked before starting the registration process. The website domain may also be checked and achieved.
  • Private Limited Company needs to have a minimum of 1 share capital of 1 SGD. There are no paid-up capital restrictions for companies possessed by foreigners
  • Private Limited Company can have 1 to a maximum of 50 shareholders.
  • A foreigner needs to appoint at least one local director. This can be a Singaporean citizen or a permanent resident of Singapore. Our consultants can also help you look for a capable director who should be 18 years or older.
  • The company must have a valid address in Singapore.
  • Local PA must be chosen for the new Private Limited Company not extended than six months after the Singapore company registration. Our package of Singapore company incorporation services includes a responsible secretary.
  • Private limited companies will need to recruit essential auditing services. You will need to find personal requirements from our consultants.
  • Government approval is required for incorporating in specific sectors of the local economy, including banking, insurance firms, and many more.

For setting up a private limited company in Singapore, you will require a professional company incorporation service provider. Singapore doesn’t offer permission to register businesses all by themselves. You don’t need a VISA to set up a business in Singapore.

Our full package of Singapore company incorporation services includes name check, administration, visa processing services for all and ACRA registration. We would need some documents to start the process. Our agents can provide you with the list of documents required.

It is highly essential to get your company name checked before getting it registered. You don't need to be physically present during the registration procedure. After the checking and paperwork, it takes a few hours to get the company registered. The whole process may take 3-10 days, which includes the final assessment as well. Your business idea and incorporation eligibility check are free for all our clients.

Share Capital of Singapore Private Limited Company

  • Pte Ltd can have a maximum of 50 shareholders
  • The company can generate more shares
  • A company can be Pte Ltd.’s shareholder

Business System

A Private Limited Company gives a shareholder and director the authority to keep their liability and business liabilities separate.


Private Limited company ownership can be easily changed by selling the shares (entire or few) or giving them to a new financier.

Authorised Status

  • Legal body of the Private Limited Company is separated from all shareholders and directors
  • Shareholders’ or members’ liability is restricted to the company’s shares
  • Business can acquire land and go law on its behalf
  • If the company becomes unsuccessful, members aren’t accountable individually


  • Private Limited Company owners can significantly benefit from Singapore's taxation policy. The fixed corporate tax is at 17% for incomes beyond 300k SGD, but then for a new private limited, the government provides substantial tax discounts. 100% discount for the first 100k SGD of revenue and 50% for the following 200k SGD, which is 8.5%. This arrangement of Singapore business incorporation releases you from any capital gains tax.
Branch Office in Singapore

What Is Branch Office in Singapore?

A company formation as a Branch Office is 1 of 3 probable methods of starting a foreign company’s existence in Singapore. Similar to a Subsidiary company and a Representative Office, an overseas Branch Office in Singapore doesn’t execute distinctly as a body but runs as a part of its parent company. The parent firm owns the liabilities of a Branch Office.

Features and Benefits of Singapore Branch Office

  • Branch Office in Singapore has no separate legal status and acts as an addition to an overseas company.
  • The parent company owns all liabilities of its Singapore Branch Office. This may also include debts.
  • If any action is taken against the Branch Office in Singapore, it may directly impact legal actions against the parent company since the Branch Office is below Singapore authority.

Registration Process and Requirements for Branch Office in Singapor

  • To start a Branch Office in Singapore, the name of the company must match the parent firm to become successful. Make sure it doesn’t match any other Singaporean firm already existing.
  • It is necessary to have two local agents in its staff to run the Branch Office in Singapore. The agents must have a Singapore Citizenship or must have an Employment Pass.
  • The Branch Office in Singapore must have a valid local address for adequate purposes.
  • If the parent company wants to send employees to its Branch Office in Singapore, they may take care of the process of their Employment Passes. The passes can be achieved once the company formation procedure is complete. A Visa consultant will proficiently manage your employees’ transfer and take care of the visa processing.

The company planning to start a Branch Office in Singapore would need assistance in legal, secretarial, and business services. We will provide you with skilled advice on any of the matters mentioned above. There are two significant steps to start up a company in Singapore as Branch Office, which includes name check and company registration.

Our complete package of Singapore company formation services comprises of the name-checking and booking, administration, planning, and handling visas for your employees, you and your family. In the end, the registration with ACRA would also be taken care of. To start your Branch Office in Singapore, you need to offer us with documents regarding your business for our paperwork process, which is required for company formation and incorporation in Singapore. Please find out how to set up a company in Singapore as a Branch Office in the shortest possible time from our agents.

Once we check the name, the reservation would take a few hours in Singapore. The complete procedure from the start may take 3 to 10 days. Once the registration is complete, a bank account (corporate) has to be opened in an international or local bank. The pace of this process rests on the bank. A few banks may require the person physically.

With the help of Singapore Immigration Consultants, all the procedures would be in our hands. You will just have to sit back and hand over the documents to us. Without your physical presence, your work would be done.

Representative Office in Singapore

What Is Representative Office in Singapore?

Representative Office in Singapore is one right way to launch a foreign company. This category of Singapore business formation is based on first discovering possible opportunities in Singapore’s market prior to investing. A Representative Office in Singapore doesn’t hold any legal status like a Subsidiary or a Branch Office. That means that the new registration of a three-year office would be established in order to research the market or other business matters. It doesn’t aim to make any profit.

Features and Benefits of Representative Office in Singapore

  • The Representative Office has the authority to operate for only three years in Singapore. Singapore Representative Office renewal must be taken place every year within the time. In any case, if the parent company plans to continue the business and gain profit after the three years process, they would have to upgrade their status and apply for a Subsidiary or a Branch office.
  • A representative office can hire local people; on the other hand, its leading representative has to be a foreigner.
  • The RO has to inform Singapore company registry authorities a month before making any changes in details like local address, or other registered information.
  • Taxes do not apply to the RO as it doesn’t work as an incorporated body.
  • When registering for a Representative Office, it gets hold of a central registration number that can be utilised for the importing and exporting of products. Trading activities are not permitted on this number.

Registration Process and Requirements of Singapore Representative Office

  • The name of the Representative Office in Singapore must be after its foreign parent firm. In case the name duplicates another company’s name in Singapore, then a custom-made decision would be applied.
  • The parent company’s sales turnover must be a minimum of 250k SGD.
  • To meet the eligibility criteria for the RO in Singapore, the parent company should have worked at least three years as an acknowledged firm.
  • Not more than five locals can be hired at the Representative Office in Singapore, but then again, instructions of the firm registration in Singapore by outsiders necessitate that the Office’s leading person must be moved to Singapore from the head office. Singapore Immigration Consultants can help you with the visa process of your key staff members.

RO for a finance company requires further elaboration as this sector doesn’t fall in the category. Other segments can appreciate a relatively better Singapore Representative Office registration. Singapore Immigration Consultants will help you in ways to list a company in Singapore and escort you from end to end all about Representative Office formation.

Our complete package of Singapore company formation services comprises of the name-checking and booking, administration, planning, and handling visas for your employees, you and your family. In the end, the registration with ACRA would also be taken care of. To start your Representative Office in Singapore, you need to offer us with documents regarding your business for our paperwork process, which is required for company formation in Singapore. Please find out how to set up a company in Singapore as a Representative Office in the shortest possible time from our agents

Once we check the name, the reservation would take a few hours in Singapore. The complete procedure from the start may take 3 to 10 days. Once the registration is complete, a bank account (corporate) has to be opened in an international or local bank. The pace of this process rests on the bank. A few banks may require the person physically.

Once you become a client of Singapore Immigration Consultants, all the procedures would be in our hands. You will just have to sit back and hand over the documents to us. Without your physical presence, your work would be done.

Singapore Subsidiary Company

What Is Singapore Subsidiary Company?

If you are an owner of a medium-scale foreign firm, you should plan to set up a Subsidiary company in Singapore. It works almost like a Private Limited; however, the dissimilarity is that a parent firm is the major shareholder of the subsidiary company if you want to establish a successful presence in Singapore than a subsidiary firm would work wonders.

Features and Benefits of Singapore Subsidiary Company

  • Many features are similar in the subsidiary and private limited companies. Limited liability is one common feature.
  • Subsidiary companies and the parent company’s authorised entities are separate from one another.
  • Subsidiary’s liability has a border equivalent to its paid-up capital. This means that the owners’ assets are secure from the company’s failures.
  • The legal entity of the Subsidiary is separate from its investors. That helps you to form your company more easily; you can purchase more assets, get more debts, and work with law separately from shareholders.
  • The subsidiary company lasts longer than its shareholders. The company won’t depend on the shareholders; it would exist after the death or even the resignation of any members.
  • You can easily boost the capital of the Subsidiary company in Singapore, generating further shares to its shareholders or even by drawing in new shares.
  • Usually, investors (even banks) spend more on companies that keep personal assets separate from the businesses. Therefore, you can easily get loans and new investors for a Subsidiary company.
  • The credibility of a Subsidiary company is more in Singapore. The image of the company helps in expansion and growth.
  • Subsidiary company benefits Singapore’s business-friendly tax policies. For 300k SGD of income, the company can enjoy the government’s tax discount up to 50-100%, and for incomes over 300k SGD, the corporate tax is 17%.
  • This arrangement of Singapore offshore business incorporation releases you from capital gains tax once the profit was before now taxed on the limit of the Subsidiary company.
  • If a foreigner wants to set up a business in Singapore, he will need to appoint at least one local director

Registration Process and Requirements of Subsidiary Company

  • The investor must have a unique name for the company. It is advised to get the name-checked before starting the registration process. The website domain may also be checked and achieved.
  • A subsidiary company needs to have a minimum of 1 share capital of 1 SGD. There are no paidup capital restrictions for companies possessed by foreigners.
  • A subsidiary company can have 1 to a maximum of 50 shareholders.
  • A foreigner needs to appoint a minimum of one local director. This can be a Singaporean citizen or a permanent resident of Singapore. Our consultants can also help you look for a capable director who should be 18 years or older.
  • The company must have an exact address in Singapore.
  • Local PA must be chosen for the new Subsidiary company no extended than six months subsequent to the Singapore company registration. Our package of Singapore company incorporation services includes a responsible secretary.
  • A few Subsidiary companies will need recruiting essential auditing services. You will need to find personal requirements from our consultants.
  • Government approval is required for incorporating in Singapore in specific sectors of the local economy, including banking, insurance firms, and many more.

The company planning to start a Subsidiary company in Singapore would need assistance in legal, secretarial, and business services. We will provide you with skilled advice on any of the matters mentioned above.p>

Our complete package of Singapore company formation services comprises of the name-checking and booking, administration, planning, and handling visas for your employees, you and your family. In the end, the registration with ACRA would also be taken care of. To start your Subsidiary company in Singapore, you need to offer us with documents regarding your business for our paperwork process, which is required for company formation in Singapore. Please find out how to set up a company in Singapore as a Subsidiary company in the shortest possible time from our agents.

The complete procedure from the start may take 3 to 10 days. Please get in touch with our incorporation in Singapore professionals to get details of the Singapore Subsidiary company law and complete assistance in moving your business to SG.

Singapore Subsidiary Company Taxation

A company formation in Singapore as a Subsidiary has similar tax advantages as the Private Limited Company. Subsidiary Company owners can significantly benefit from Singapore’s taxation policy. The fixed corporate tax is at 17% for incomes beyond 300k SGD, but then for a new Subsidiary, the government provides substantial tax discounts. 100% discount for the first 100k SGD of revenue and 50% for the following 200k SGD, which is 8.5%. This arrangement of Singapore business incorporation releases you from any capital gains tax.

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