Employment Pass (EP) Singapore

Singapore is ranked among the best places to travel and grow your career. With so many opportunities available, a person can quickly advance his career. The best way to make a new start is by applying for a Singapore Employment Pass (EP). Without a doubt, many people have moved to Singapore through this Visa to enter the country for better improvements. If you want to get a chance to enhance your future, then get in contact with our highly specialised consultants who would guide you throughout the procedure. Read below to find out more details regarding Singapore’s Employment Pass.

1. What is an Employment Pass (EP)?

An EP also recognised as an Employment Pass is a work visa offered to people by MOM who are planning to work in Singapore to progress their livelihood. Some essential advantages of EP are:

  • Through an EP, you can gain a permanent residency in Singapore easily and quickly.
  • The validity is till two years and can later be renewed till 3
  • You can easily travel in and out of the country without having to apply for a re-entry visa.
  • Foreign executives, investors and directors can also apply for this visa for Singapore if they have been offered a job.
  • No quota is required. Still, sometimes, if the EP holders in the company you have been offered a job from, are above 50%, they would have to explain to the government the reason behind not offering jobs to locals.

In case the company offering you a job is not listed in Singapore and has an associated company in Singapore, then Employment pass would not be applied for instead you will have to go through the overseas sponsorship case. In the beginning, the company would have to justify the need to hire a foreign employee in Singapore. That clearly means that Singaporean agents or our specialised consultants can help to apply for this visa and can do the paperwork on your behalf. There are also further requirements needed to meet the criteria of EP. Read below to learn more about it and know whether you are eligible for an Employment pass.

2. Am I Eligible For An Employment Pass?

To meet the eligibility criteria, the applicant must:

  • Be offered a minimum salary of a minimum of $3,600 in Singapore. The more the experience, the more the salary should be.
  • The employee has to be hired by a reputable and registered company in Singapore.
  • Be qualified and experienced. Those without educational degrees must be highly experienced to cover up the lack of education.

The Ministry of Manpower will review your application to see whether the applicant is capable enough to get an Employment Pass.

II. Employment Pass Overseas Sponsorship Conditions include:

In case you don’t find a sponsoring form then you can get in touch with us to get a Personalised Employment Pass. For this, you will have to fulfil some further criteria’s.

You may be wondering what documents will be needed to apply for an application. The documents required are:

3. What documents are required to apply for an Employment Pass?

You may be wondering what documents will be needed to apply for an application. The documents required are:

  • Educational degrees and certificates
  • Business profile of the sponsoring company
  • The defined role that the business is offering
  • Complete application form through EPOL or Employment Pass Online
  • Complete CV
  • Previous employer references
  • Photocopy of your passport
  • Other supporting documents

If you are worried about the documentation process, then you can always take help from our consultants. Our agency can easily handle all the paperwork.

4. How can I apply for an Employment Pass?

There are only two ways to apply for the Singapore Employment Pass through an agency or your sponsoring company:

Apply online through The EPOL System
  • Apply online through The EPOL System
  • Send permission to your employer or a consent to allow him to apply on your behalf
  • The sponsoring company would apply by filling in documents and paying the fees required.
  • The status can be checked after a period of 3 weeks.
  • You can also print the approval online
  • Give permission, in the form of written consent, to your sponsor company to apply.
2. The application can be submitted through the counter at any SingPost Branch:
  • Again, provide consent to the sponsoring company
  • The sponsor company will fill the form and attach the required hard copies of documents.
  • The company will then submit the documents along with the fees at the counter (through the post office).
  • Right after four weeks, you will have the authority to check the status of the procedure.
  • The MOM will mail the IPA if it gets approved to the company
  • A copy of the IPA will be sent to you through the sponsoring company.
  • Within six months of the approval, you will have to visit Singapore

5. How long does it take to get an Employment Pass in Singapore in 2018?

The process may take up to 3 weeks. However, if all documents are not submitted, then it may take a bit longer. In case of rejection, the time may exceed too.
After three weeks of submitting your application, you can easily check online the status of your process.

6. How can I check my Employment Pass status?

Employment Pass Online is the place where the whole process of application is handled. If the sponsoring company has never applied for an EP before they would first have to get registered for EPOL and MOM. This may take seven days. The process is pretty complicated and challenging. It may sound easy to upload documents but it isn’t. You will need help from an agency to guide you throughout the process. To prevent yourselves from being rejected and to avoid wasting any time, you should seek professional advice and guidance. Our consultants have expertise in helping people getting through the employment pass process. You can get in touch with us to save your time and efforts.

7. What to do if your Employment Pass is rejected or there is an additional document request from the MOM?

If the Ministry of Manpower demands additional documents for your case:

  • Make sure you send accurate records. The materials you send can make your case stronger or can also lead it towards rejection, so be very careful.
  • Many companies are new due to which they can’t offer all documents. In such cases don’t worry and justify to the MOM the reason behind not providing the reports.
  • You will get seven days to submit your documents. You can also ask them to provide you with seven extra days
  • Make sure that your documents are strong enough to support your case.
  • If you have weak documents, avoid sending them.

If you get rejected, take the following measures

  • Within three months you can appeal for your case
  • The case can take around six weeks
  • Make sure you review the case carefully and submit accurate and reliable documents again
  • Only an agency like your sponsoring company or us can appeal for the case
  • The Ministry of Manpower will list down all reasons due to which you may have been rejected online.

After reviewing the rejection, you may be unsure what to do next. It’s better to contact our consultants to grab some knowledge and make your case and appeal stronger. Our agency has helped many people whose claims got rejected earlier. So it’s better to take advice rather than working on your own.

8. How do you renew an Employment Pass?

Through EP online only a professional agency like your sponsor company and we can apply for a renewal. The process can be started six months prior to the expiration time. If you once got approval, it isn't necessary that you will easily get it again. It’s better to take professional help from a specialised agency. For a free assessment, you can always get in touch with us. Our consultants will guide you all the way.

9. How do you collect your Singapore Work Pass (EP)?

You sponsor company will first download or collect the IPA from EPOL. The copy will be sent to you stating that you can travel to Singapore and receive your letter. You will have a time of 6 months to collect a letter from the company. According to the letter, you will have to get a medical examination in Singapore.

After that, the agency or sponsoring company can collect the card by following a few steps mentioned below:

  • Open and register to EPOL and offer additional data.
  • Charges should be paid to the MOM.
  • Passport
  • White card
  • Copy of educational certificates
  • Medical examination report
  • Notification letter

Four days will be taken by the Ministry of Manpower to review the information and documents. After the procedure, the Employment pass would be delivered to your address.

10. Is your family eligible for a Dependent Pass (DP) or Long-Term Visit Pass in Singapore?

To call your family to Singapore, you must earn $6,000 every month. Along with your employment pass, you can apply for a dependent pass too. The expiry time is the same as an employment pass. If you want to apply for a Long-Term Visa, then you must earn 12,000 SGD every month.

11. How can I apply for Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) with my Employment Visa?

For a better and peaceful life in Singapore, you can consider applying for Singapore Permanent Residency (SPR). This would give you more stability in Singapore. If you have an employment pass, then you will have higher chances of receiving a permanent residency. However, the process is lengthy and complicated. It may also take up to 12 months to obtain a Visa. There are many benefits of getting an SPR status which are listed below:

  • No employment pass required
  • Your family can also get an SPR
  • You can switch jobs easily without applying for an employment pass again

Getting an SPR status can be a complicated but a worthy process. But you don’t have to worry about that. Our consultants will help you pass through the process without any difficulty. Salary slips and other proofs should be submitted in order to get an SPR status quickly.

Our consultants would help you with the process and make your case so secure that no chances of rejection would be left behind. Take a step towards us and start the process as early as possible to make your career better.

12. What other types of passes are available (S-pass, Entrepass & Work Permit) in Singapore?

If you believe that you don’t fit in for the employment pass criteria, then you can always look into the other options available. These include

1. S-Pass:

  • People who are killed can apply for this Visa.
  • Electronic, pharmaceutical and other industry workers can fall into this category.
  • The S-Pass goes on for two years. It can later be renewed for a time of 3 years.

2. Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass):

  • Investors and successful business people who plan to set up a new business in Singapore may apply for this Visa.
  • The validity for this pass is only one year; however, the applicant can get it renewed for two more years.

3. Work Permit :

  • Those workers who are not highly qualified can apply for this Visa. Such workers may include domestic workers or people working in the manufacturing or construction industries.
  • The validity for this pass is two years and can later be renewed.

To get more information regarding these, you can contact our consultants for extra help. They would guide you best and help you know which category will suit you the best.

13. Why should you get help from professional Employment Pass (EP) agents or consultants?

As you can see, many people have started to look for jobs in Singapore due to which the process of Visa has become harder. Not everyone can understand the long and thorough documentation requirements. The government also tries to control the foreign workers flow to help other locals get better employment.

There are many opportunities for jobs and investment in Singapore due to which people consider Singapore the best place to try their luck. Highly skilled workers can get success in a short time if they apply to Singapore without wasting any time.

Keeping the benefits in mind, never let the policies stop you. Get help from our expert visa and immigration consultants, and they will guide you through. If you hand over the documents to them, they will get the process done without any hassle. Without your physical presence, the work will be completed in a few days, and you can relocate to Singapore with or without your family.

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